
Ready Set Done

Today I did Pylometrics it is definitely one of my favorites. It makes me sweat to the point my hair goes from straight to curly. I find I like the cardio more than the resistance days, but really need the resistance training badly. I can feel myself getting stronger and stronger every week. I found out today that corn is considered a carb! I had no idea, I absolutely love corn but always seen it as more of a vegetable. Anyhow I had a great workout and am looking forward to tomorrow!

Pre Workout Meal


You need to struggle for results

Workout: Chest and Back & Ab Ripper X

Food Intake:
Breakfast: 1 egg, 2 strawberries
Snack: half a pumpernickel bagel with cheese
Lunch: egg salad wrap with yam fries
Dinner: chicken kabobs, pickles, pita bread & rice
Guilty of also eating 2 lindor lindt chocolates

Another bad day in terms of diet, too many carbs. Carbs are my biggest weakness. I really need to work on not having them when I go out. I am very good at keeping them away when I am at home but once away from home I start to indulge. It is very important to limit the carb intake since you are allowing your body to get used to things without carbs, and every time you back slide it gets harder to get back on track.

Day off

Breakfast: omelette with 1 piece of rye bread (peanut butter and jam)
Snack: half a cinnamon bun
Snack: chickpea salad, steak kabob pieces
Dinner: salad, garlic bread, whole wheat pasta

Not a very good day at all as I had way too many carbs!

Kenpo X

Workout: Kenpo X

Food Intake: 4 chicken strips, 1 boiled egg, spinach salad
Snack: Jugo Juice Smoothie
Dinner: steak kabobs, grilled veggies, corn on the cob, a quarter slice of pizza
Desert: half a cinnamon bun

Quality over Quantity

Workout: Legs & Back

Food Intake:
Breakfast: A quarter cup brown rice, kabob, veggies
Dinner: 1 cup whole wheat pasta, veggies, chicken breast, 1 boiled egg, a few yam fries
Snack: berries & milk

P90X Length of Videos

I am posting the following for people who are curious as to the length of P90X videos. Please keep in mind that the times include a warmup and cool down.

1- P90X Chest and Back workout time 52:50 mins
2- P90X Plyometrics workout time 58:36 mins
3- P90X Shoulders and Arms workout time 59:53 mins
4- P90X Yoga X workout time 92:24 mins (yes this is a long one and yes you really need to do it)
5- P90X Legs and Back workout time 58:56 mins
6- P90X Kenpo X workout time 55:46 mins
7- P90X Stretch X workout time 57:32 mins
8- P90X Core Synergistics workout time 57:27 mins
9- P90X Chest, Shoulders and Triceps workout time 57:27 mins
10- P90X Back and Biceps workout time 51:36 mins
11- P90X Cardio X workout time 43:18
12 P90X Ab Ripper X workout time 16:07 mins

Thank-You BW

I must thank BW for all of his help in getting me started on P90X.  BW is on his second round of P90X. You have always been there for me and I have never been let down by you. I appreciate all of your help, wisdom, understanding, and encouragement. xoxo

Yoga X

Workout: Yoga X

Food Intake:
Breakfast: 1 scrambled egg, 2 chicken strips, leftover grilled veggie panini
Dinner: 1 cup brown rice, 1 chicken breast, steamed veggies, 1 kabob
Things I cheated on: 2 tablespoons extra brown rice, 1 lindor chocolate piece

Working out the Glamour Muscles!

Today was Shoulders and Arms! I had a wonderful workout today. I learned that sometimes the weights I have are not heavy enough and other times they are just right. I will need to go buy some heavier weights than the 5lbs I am currently using. Shoulder and Arms is one of my favorite workouts!

Workout: Shoulder and Arms

Food Intake:
Breakfast: Chicken strips, 4 yam fries, spinach salad, bannana
Snack: half a veggie panini
Dinner: Half a whole wheat bun with a burger, steamed veggies
Snack: berries & vanilla yogurt, 4 cashews, 1 date(Note: Had 1 serving of extra fruit today)

Pylometrics Today

Workout: Pylometrics

Food Intake:
Lunch: Chicken breast, 1 boiled egg, spinach salad
Snack: cottage cheese, hummus, cucumbers
Dinner: half a cup of whole wheat pasta with veggies, 2 breaded chicken breasts, 4 yam fries
Snack: Grapes

I love BAM bring on the BAM!

Workout: Chest and Back

Food Intake:
Breakfast:  2 protein
Snack: 1 cup pasta
Dinner: Chicken breast, half a cup of brown rice, yam fries
Snack: watermelon


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